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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
White-Lined Sphinx Moth Hyles lineata 756 2,248
Waved Sphinx Moth Ceratomia undulosa 385 892
Catalpa Sphinx Moth Ceratomia catalpae 169 454
Carolina Sphinx Moth Manduca sexta 223 437
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth Paonias myops 395 422
Snowberry Clearwing Moth Hemaris diffinis 211 385
Virginia Creeper Sphinx Moth Darapsa myron 285 374
Pandorus Sphinx Moth Eumorpha pandorus 195 348
Laurel Sphinx Moth Sphinx kalmiae 177 230
Elm Sphinx Moth Ceratomia amyntor 156 168
Blinded Sphinx Moth Paonias excaecata 141 164
Twin-spotted Sphinx Moth Smerinthus jamaicensis 111 162
Lettered Sphinx Moth Deidamia inscriptum 138 139
Five-spotted Hawk Moth Manduca quinquemaculatus 109 129
Achemon Sphinx Moth Eumorpha achemon 67 106
Big Poplar Sphinx Moth Pachysphinx modesta 89 97
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth Hemaris thysbe 92 93
Hagen's Sphinx Moth Ceratomia hageni 75 79
Abbott's Sphinx Moth Sphecodina abbottii 77 77
Hermit Sphinx Moth Lintneria eremitus 65 66
Nessus Sphinx Moth Amphion floridensis 62 64
Tersa Sphinx Moth Xylophanes tersa 48 49
Pink-Spotted Hawk Moth Agrius cingulata 27 27
One-eyed Sphinx Moth Smerinthus cerisyi 26 26
Azalea Sphinx Moth Darapsa choerilus 24 24
Obscure Sphinx Moth Erinnyis obscura 20 20
Leafy Spurge Hawk Moth Hyles euphorbiae 16 16
Banded Sphinx Moth Eumorpha fasciatus 14 14
Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth Sphinx drupiferarum 13 13
Titan Spninx Moth Aellopos titan 12 12
Ash Sphinx Moth Manduca jasminearum 8 8
Gallium Sphinx Moth Hyles gallii 7 7
Mournful Sphinx Moth Enyo lugubris 6 6
Apple Sphinx Moth Sphinx gordius 5 5
Great Ash Sphinx Moth Sphinx chersis 5 5
Ello Spninx Moth Erinnyis ello 4 4
Canadian Sphinx Moth Sphinx canadensis 3 3
Plebian Sphinx Moth Paratrea plebeja 2 2
Fadus Sphinx Moth Aellopos fadus 2 2
Gaudy Sphinx Eumorpha labruscae 1 1
Pawpaw Sphinx Moth Dolba hyloeus 1 1
Fig Sphinx Moth Pachylia ficus 1 1
Clemens' Sphinx Sphinx luscitiosa 1 1
Vashti Sphinx Moth Sphinx vashti 1 1
Northern Pine Sphinx Lapara bombycoides 1 1
Franck's Sphinx Moth Sphinx franckii 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.