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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Clemen's Grass-tubeworm Moth Acrolophus popeanella 485 2,077
Grass Tubeworm Moth Acrolophus arcanella 313 315
Eastern Grass Tubeworm Moth Acrolophus plumifrontella 145 243
None Tinea apicimaculella 71 71
Clemens' Bark Moth Xylesthia pruniramiella 68 68
Walsingham's Grass Tubeworm Moth Acrolophus propinqua 43 65
None Acrolophus mora 31 52
None Philonome clemensella 42 42
None Amydria effrentella 41 41
Yellow Wave Moth Hybroma servulella 23 23
None Nemapogon acapnopennella 1 20
None Homostinea curviliniella 17 17
None Monopis dorsistrigella 15 15
Casemaking Clothes Moth Tinea pellionella 15 15
None Acrolophus mortipennella 10 11
None Monopis spilotella 11 11
Bird Nest Moth Monopis crocicapitella 11 11
Tropical Tobacco Moth Setomorpha rutella 10 10
None Oenoe hybromella 9 9
European House Moth Niditinea fuscella 8 8
None Tineidaeundescribed undetermined 7 7
None Nemapogon angulifasciella 6 6
None Diachorisia velatella 6 6
None Scardiella approximatella 6 6
None Tinea carnariella 5 5
None Cephimallota obscurostrigella 4 4
None Homosetia fasciella 4 4
None Nemapogon auropulvella 4 4
Texas Grass Tubeworm Moth Acrolophus texanella 3 3
None Niditinea orleansella 3 3
None Nemapogon undetermined 3 3
None Monopis laevigella 3 3
None Homosetia argentinotella 2 2
Webbing Clothes Moth Tineola bisselliella 2 2
None Nemapogon clematella 2 2
None Nemapogon defectella 2 2
Old Gold Isocorypha Moth Isocorypha mediostriatella 2 2
None Monopis marginistrigella 2 2
None Homosetia costisignella 1 1
None Isocorypha chrysocomella 1 1
None Scardia amurensis 1 1
None Montescardia fuscofasciella 1 1
None Leucomele miriamella 1 1
None Scardia anatomella 1 1
None Mea skinnerella 1 1
None Doleromorpha porphyria 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.