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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Bicolored Sallow Sunira bicolorago 36 36
Bronzed Cutworm Moth Nephelodes minians 23 23
Closebanded Yellowhorn Moth Colocasia propinquilinea 18 18
Copper Underwing Amphipyra pyramidoides 16 16
Armyworm Moth Mythimna unipuncta 16 16
Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia Pseudeustrotia carneola 15 15
Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth Spodoptera ornithogalli 13 13
Black-bordered Lemon Moth Marimatha nigrofimbria 12 12
Chalcedony Midget Elaphria grata 12 12
Bristly Cutworm Moth Lacinipolia renigera 12 12
Large Mossy Lithacodia Protodeltote muscosula 12 12
Confused Woodgrain Morrisonia confusa 9 9
Corn Earworm Moth Helicoverpa zea 9 9
Figure-Eight Sallow Psaphida resumens 9 9
Medium Dagger Moth Acronicta modica 9 9
None Pachypolia atricornis 8 8
Chosen Sallow Psaphida electilis 8 8
Nondescript Dagger Moth Acronicta impleta 7 7
Norman's Quaker Crocigrapha normani 7 7
The Laugher Charadra deridens 7 7
Variegated Cutworm Moth Peridroma saucia 7 7
The Festive Midget Elaphria festivoides 7 7
Fluid Arches Morrisonia latex 6 6
Morrison's Sallow Eupsilia morrisoni 6 6
Implicit Arches Lacinipolia implicata 6 6
Ruby Quaker Moth Orthosia rubescens 6 6
Grote's Sallow Copivaleria grotei 6 6
The Common Looper Moth Autographa precationis 5 5
Arcigera Flower Moth Schinia arcigera 5 5
Stalk Borer Moth Papaipema nebris 5 5
The Wedgling Galgula partita 5 5
Grote's Pinion Lithophane grotei 5 5
Ruddy Dagger Moth Acronicta rubricoma 5 5
Unspotted Looper Moth Allagrapha aerea 4 4
Gray Sallow Psaphida grandis 4 4
Pink-spotted Dart Pseudohermonassa bicarnea 4 4
Eclipsed Oak Dagger Acronicta increta 4 4
Ipsilion Dart Agrotis ipsilon 4 4
Pale-banded Dart Agnorisma badinodis 4 4
Ashen Pinion Lithophane antennata 4 4
Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth Orthosia hibisci 4 4
Variable Sallow Sericaglaea signata 4 4
Variegated Midget Elaphria versicolor 4 4
Cloaked Marvel Chytonix palliatricula 4 4
Ovate Dagger Moth Acronicta ovata 4 4
Linda Wainscot Moth Leucania linda 4 4
Speared Dagger Moth Acronicta hasta 4 4
Phragmites Wainscot Leucania phragmitidicola 4 4
Greater Red Dart Abagrotis alternata 4 4
Dusky Groundling Condica vecors 4 4
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.