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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Common Gluphisia Moth Gluphisia septentrionis 124 124
Linden Prominent Moth Ellida caniplaga 73 73
White-dotted Prominent Moth Nadata gibbosa 63 63
Maple Prominent Moth Cecrita guttivitta 52 52
Small Heterocampa Moth Rifargia subrotata 47 47
Double-lined Prominent Moth Lochmaeus bilineata 38 38
Unicorn Caterpillar Moth Coelodasys unicornis 37 37
Angulose Prominent Moth Peridea angulosa 30 30
Wavy-lined Heterocampa Moth Cecrita biundata 15 15
Double Toothed Prominent Moth Nerice bidentata 14 14
Walnut Caterpillar Moth Datana integerrima 13 13
Chocolate Prominent Moth Peridea ferruginea 11 11
Drexel's Datana Moth Datana drexelii 11 11
Sigmoid Prominent Moth Clostera albosigma 10 10
Angus's Datana Moth Datana angusii 10 10
Gray Furcula Moth Furcula cinerea 9 9
Black-blotched Schizura Moth Oedemasia leptinoides 7 7
White Furcula Moth Furcula borealis 7 7
Georgian Prominent Paraeschra georgica 6 6
Elegant Prominent Moth Pheosidea elegans 5 5
Red-washed Prominent Moth Oedemasia semirufescens 5 5
Contracted Datana Datana contracta 5 5
Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth Lochmaeus manteo 5 5
Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth Datana ministra 4 4
Drab Tent-maker Moth Clostera strigosa 4 4
Spotted Datana Moth Datana perspicua 4 4
Zigzag Furcula Moth Furcula scolopendrina 3 3
Double-lined Furcula Moth Furcula occidentalis 3 3
Black-Rimmed Prominent Moth Pheosia rimosa 3 3
Morning Glory Prominent Moth Schizura ipomoeae 2 2
Oblique Heterocampa Moth Heterocampa obliqua 2 2
Chestnut Schizura Moth Schizura badia 2 2
Many-lined Prominent Moth Clostera inclusa 2 2
White-streaked Prominent Moth Ianassa lignicolor 2 2
Red-humped Caterpillar Moth Oedemasia concinna 1 1
Drab Prominent Moth Misogada unicolor 1 1
Apical Prominent Moth Clostera apicalis 1 1
Mottled Prominent Moth Macrurocampa marthesia 1 1
Black-spotted Prominent Moth Dasylophia anguina 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.