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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
The Bent-line Carpet Costaconvexa centrostrigaria 678 678
Celery Leaftier Moth Udea rubigalis 670 673
Green Cloverworm Moth Hypena scabra 610 651
Red Banded Leafroller Moth Argyrotaenia velutinana 608 609
Gray Archips Moth Archips grisea 493 591
White-Lined Sphinx Moth Hyles lineata 261 583
Common Gray Anavitrinella pampinaria 532 533
Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia Pseudeustrotia carneola 510 520
Elegant Grass Veneer Moth Microcrambus elegans 506 510
Large Mossy Lithacodia Protodeltote muscosula 491 493
Large Lace-border Moth Scopula limboundata 467 478
Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth Hypena madefactalis 445 454
Common Eupithecia Eupithecia miserulata 428 447
Orange Wing Moth Mellilla xanthometata 423 437
Verbena Bud Moth Endothenia hebesana 428 437
Double-striped Scoparia Moth Scoparia biplagialis 418 418
Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella 381 408
Garden Tortrix Clepsis peritana 367 405
Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth Macaria pustularia 370 398
None Eulithis diversilineata-gracilineata 387 387
Leconte's Haploa Moth Haploa lecontei 351 375
Horned Spanworm Moth Nematocampa resistaria 371 371
Common Tan Wave Pleuroprucha insulsaria 350 351
Ambiguous Moth Lascoria ambigualis 333 338
Clover Hayworm Moth Hypsopygia costalis 310 315
Hickory Leafstem borer Moth Acrobasis angusella 311 311
Black-dotted Maliattha Maliattha synochitis 308 308
None Caloptilia blandella 251 296
Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth Choristoneura rosaceana 295 295
Fruit Tree Leafroller Moth Archips argyrospila 221 294
Zigzag Herpetogramma Moth Herpetogramma thestealis 290 290
Gold-stripe Grass-veneer Moth Microcrambus biguttellus 287 288
Wavy-Lined Emerald Synchlora aerata 260 278
Armyworm Moth Mythimna unipuncta 257 275
Common Idia Moth Idia aemula 268 268
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth Zanclognatha pedipilalis 267 267
Double Banded Grass Veneer Moth Crambus agitatellus 263 263
None Xanthotype urticaria-sospeta 252 262
Hollow-spotted Angle Digrammia gnophosaria 259 260
Gray Marvel Moth Anterastria teratophora 254 254
None Halysidota tessellaris-harrisii 252 252
One-Spotted Variant Hypagyrtis unipunctata 246 251
Splendid Palpita Palpita magniferalis 242 245
The Small Engrailed Ectropis crepuscularia 194 243
Oak Leafroller Moth Archips semiferanus 170 243
Painted Lichen Moth Hypoprepia fucosa 231 240
None Desmia funeralis-maculalis 211 238
Three-spotted Fillip Heterophleps triguttaria 237 237
Large Maple Spanworm Moth Prochoerodes lineola 230 232
Faint-spotted Angle Digrammia ocellinata 229 229
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.