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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
None Chionodes thoraceochrella 176 177
Black Smudged Chionodes Moth Chionodes mediofuscella 138 138
None Dichomeris juncidella 79 133
Burdock Seedhead Moth Metzneria lappella 119 119
Palmerworm Moth Dichomeris ligulella 88 97
Lanceolate Helcystogramma Moth Helcystogramma hystricella 41 41
Stripe-backed Moth Arogalea cristifasciella 36 36
None Chionodes fondella 34 34
Shining Dichomeris Moth Dichomeris ochripalpella 29 29
None Stereomita andropogonis 26 26
None Isophrictis rudbeckiella-similiella 26 26
None Aristotelia roseosuffusella 23 23
None Battaristis concinnusella 17 17
None Coleotechnites eryngiella 16 16
None Frumenta nundinella 16 16
None Symmetrischema pallidochrella 16 16
White-banded Telphusa Moth Pubitelphusa latifasciella 16 16
None Chionodes johnstoni 13 13
None Chionodes pereyra 13 13
Cream-edged Dichomeris Moth Dichomeris flavocostella 12 12
None Bryotropha branella 12 12
None Coleotechnites quercivorella 11 11
None Dichomeris setosella 11 11
None Aristotelia fungivorella 10 10
Boxelder Leafroller Moth Chionodes obscurusella 9 9
None Chionodes pseudofondella 9 9
None Aristotelia rubidella 9 9
Lesser Bud Moth Recurvaria nanella 8 8
None Sinoe robiniella 8 8
Eyeringed Chionodes Moth Chionodes discoocellella 8 8
None Dichomeris nonstrigella 7 7
Buffy Dichomeris Moth Dichomeris aleatrix 7 7
None Scrobipalpa acuminatella 7 7
None Sinoe chambersi 6 6
None Dichomeris glenni 5 5
Rednecked Peanutworm Moth Stegasta bosqueella 5 5
Bilobed Dichomeris Moth Dichomeris bilobella 5 5
Orange Webworm Moth Dichomeris citrifoliella 5 5
Indented Dichomeris Moth Dichomeris inserrata 4 4
Coleotechnites Flower Moth Coleotechnites florae 4 4
None Telphusa longifasciella 3 3
Fernald's Helcystogramma Moth Helcystogramma fernaldella 3 3
None Dichomeris furia 3 3
None Aristotelia amelanchierella 3 3
Orache Leafminer Moth Chrysoesthia sexguttella 3 3
None Aristotelia pudibundella 2 2
Goldenrod Gall Moth Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis 2 2
None Symmetrischema kendallorum 2 2
Brown Cedar Leafminer Moth Coleotechnites thujaella 2 2
None Battaristis nigratomella 2 2
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.