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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Green Cloverworm Moth Hypena scabra 180 208
Forage Looper Moth Caenurgina erechtea 132 132
Virginian Tiger Moth Spilosoma virginica 103 115
Painted Lichen Moth Hypoprepia fucosa 73 89
Florida Tetanolita Moth Tetanolita floridana 86 86
Tiger Moth Apantesis phalerata-nais-carlotta-vittata 61 61
Common Idia Moth Idia aemula 61 61
Spotted Grass Moth Rivula propinqualis 51 53
Black-banded Owlet Moth Phalaenostola larentioides 37 37
Yellow-Collared Scape Moth Cisseps fulvicollis 27 29
Dimorphic Bomolocha Moth Hypena bijugalis 27 27
Bronzy Macrochilo Moth Macrochilo orciferalis 26 26
None Halysidota tessellaris-harrisii 25 25
Ambiguous Moth Lascoria ambigualis 24 24
Isabella Tiger Moth Pyrrharctia isabella 23 23
Leconte's Haploa Moth Haploa lecontei 16 19
Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth Hypena madefactalis 18 18
Dark Phalaenostola Moth Phalaenostola eumelusalis 17 17
White-marked Tussock Moth Orgyia leucostigma 17 17
Delicate Cycnia Moth Cycnia tenera 16 17
Lunate Zale Moth Zale lunata 15 16
Fall Webworm Moth Hyphantria cunea 15 15
Dark-banded Owlet Moth Phalaenophana pyramusalis 14 14
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth Zanclognatha pedipilalis 14 14
Dead-wood Borer Moth Scolecocampa liburna 13 13
Gaint Leopard Moth Hypercompe scribonia 12 12
Brown-lined Owlet Moth Macrochilo litophora 12 12
Thin-lined Owlet Moth Isogona tenuis 11 11
American Idia Moth Idia americalis 11 11
Clover Looper Moth Caenurgina crassiuscula 10 10
Little Underwing Catocala minuta 10 10
Moonseed Moth Plusiodonta compressipalpis 10 10
Black Bit Moth Celiptera frustulum 10 10
Deceptive Bomolocha Moth Hypena deceptalis 9 9
Maple Zale Moth Zale galbanata 9 9
Little Virgin Tiger Moth Apantesis virguncula 9 9
Dark-spotted Palthis Moth Palthis angulalis 8 8
Reversed Hapola Moth Haploa reversa 8 8
Pale Lichen Moth Crambidia pallida 8 8
Common Oak Moth Phoberia atomaris 8 8
Ruby Tiger Moth Phragmatobia fuliginosa 8 8
Pink-legged Tiger Moth Spilosoma latipennis 7 8
The Sweetheart Catocala amatrix 7 7
Sober Renia Moth Renia sobrialis 7 7
Ultronia Underwing Catocala ultronia 7 7
Agreeable Tiger Moth Spilosoma congrua 7 7
Moon-Lined Moth Spiloloma lunilinea 7 7
Wavy-lined Zanclognatha Moth Zanclognatha jacchusalis 7 7
Glossy Black Idia Moth Idia lubricalis 6 6
Detracted Owlet Moth Lesmone detrahens 6 6
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.