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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Posturing Arta Moth Arta statalis 42 42
Clover Hayworm Moth Hypsopygia costalis 22 22
None Eurythmia angulella 17 17
Grease Moth Aglossa cuprina 12 12
American Wax Moth Vitula edmandsii 12 12
Mantled Acrobasis Moth Acrobasis palliolella 8 8
Broad-banded Eulogia Moth Eulogia ochrifrontella 7 7
Striped Oak Webworm Moth Pococera expandens 7 7
Boxwood Leaftier Moth Galasa nigrinodis 6 6
American Plum Borer Moth Euzophera semifuneralis 5 5
Terrenella Bee Moth Aphomia terrenella 5 5
None Oreana unicolorella 5 5
Yellow-fringed Dolichomia Moth Hypsopygia olinalis 5 5
None Adelphia petrella 4 4
None Acrobasis stigmella 4 4
None Ephestiodes infimella 4 4
Meal Moth Pyralis farinalis 4 4
Dimorphic Macalla Epipaschia superatalis 4 4
Darker Moodna Moth Moodna ostrinella 4 4
Elm Leaftier Moth Canarsia ulmiarrosorella 4 4
Paler Moodna Moth Moodna pallidostrinella 2 3
Indian Meal Moth Plodia interpunctella 3 3
Dimorphic Tosale Moth Tosale oviplagalis 3 3
None Sciota celtidella 3 3
Mediterranean Flour Moth Ephestia kuehniella 3 3
Poplar Bud Borer Moth Meroptera cviatella 3 3
None Sciota rubrisparsella 3 3
Tlascala Moth Tlascala reductella 3 3
None Sciota vetustella 3 3
None Homoeosoma deceptorium 3 3
Leaf Crumpler Moth Acrobasis indigenella 3 3
Brower's Vitula Moth Vitula broweri 3 3
Pecan Leaf Casebearer Moth Acrobasis juglandis 2 2
None Salebriaria rufimaculatella 2 2
None Phycitodes mucidella 2 2
Hickory Shoot Borer Moth Acrobasis caryae 2 2
Drab Condylolomia Moth Condylolomia participialis 2 2
Carmine Snout Moth Peoria approximella 2 2
Black-spotted Leafroller Moth Sciota virgatella 2 2
Red-shawled Moth Hypsopygia intermedialis 2 2
Gooseberry Fruitworm Moth Zophodia grossulariella 2 2
Sweetgum Leafroller Moth Sciota uvinella 1 1
None Pococera humerella 1 1
Sunflower Moth Homoeosoma electella 1 1
Greater Wax Moth Galleria mellonella 1 1
Kearfott's Acrobasis Moth Acrobasis tumidulella 1 1
Lesser Wax Moth Achroia grisella 1 1
None Varneria postremella 1 1
Striped Sumac Leafroller Moth Sciota subfuscella 1 1
None Aphomia fulminalis 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.