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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Small Brown Quaker Pseudorthodes vecors 15 15
Large Mossy Lithacodia Protodeltote muscosula 10 10
Bristly Cutworm Moth Lacinipolia renigera 9 9
Distinct Quaker Achatia distincta 6 6
False Wainscot Leucania pseudargyria 6 6
None Apamea digitula 5 5
Spectacled Nettle Moth Abrostola urentis 5 5
Ipsilion Dart Agrotis ipsilon 5 5
Black-dotted Maliattha Maliattha synochitis 5 5
Smith's Dart Moth Xestia smithii 5 5
Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth Orthosia hibisci 4 4
Garman's Quaker Orthosia garmani 4 4
American Angle Shades Euplexia benesimilis 3 3
Cloaked Marvel Chytonix palliatricula 3 3
Bicolored Sallow Sunira bicolorago 3 3
Veiled Ear Moth Loscopia velata 3 3
The Wedgling Galgula partita 3 3
Armyworm Moth Mythimna unipuncta 3 3
Common Pinkband Ogdoconta cinereola 2 2
Black Wedge-spot Homophoberia apicosa 2 2
Figure-Eight Sallow Psaphida resumens 2 2
Three-Spotted Sallow Eupsilia tristigmata 2 2
Ruby Quaker Moth Orthosia rubescens 2 2
Many-Lined Wainscot Leucania multilinea 2 2
Arcigera Flower Moth Schinia arcigera 2 2
Clear Dagger Moth Acronicta clarescens 2 2
Brown-lined Sallow Moth Sympistis badistriga 2 2
None Leucania lapidaria 2 2
Variegated Midget Elaphria versicolor 2 2
None Leucania commoides 2 2
Banded Quaker Moth Protorthodes incincta 2 2
The Common Looper Moth Autographa precationis 2 2
Beautiful Wood-Nymph Eudryas grata 2 2
Chosen Sallow Psaphida electilis 2 2
Stalk Borer Moth Papaipema nebris 1 1
Dot-and-Dash Swordgrass Moth Xylena curvimacula 1 1
Linda Wainscot Moth Leucania linda 1 1
Bordered Sallow Pyrrhia cilisca 1 1
Verbena Moth Crambodes talidiformis 1 1
Nondescript Dagger Moth Acronicta spinigera 1 1
Rigid Sunflower Borer Moth Papaipema rigida 1 1
Marbled-green Leuconycta Moth Leuconycta lepidula 1 1
Exhausted Brocade Moth Neoligia exhausta 1 1
Three-Lined Balsa Balsa tristrigella 1 1
Venerable Dart Agrotis venerabilis 1 1
Eight-Spot Amyna stricta 1 1
Morrison's Sallow Eupsilia morrisoni 1 1
None Xestia c-nigrum-dolosa 1 1
Bridgham's Brocade Oligia bridghamii 1 1
Eclipsed Oak Dagger Acronicta increta 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.