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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Leconte's Haploa Moth Haploa lecontei 8 8
None Halysidota tessellaris-harrisii 6 6
The Bride Catocala neogama 4 4
Feeble Grass Moth Amolita fessa 4 4
Common Idia Moth Idia aemula 3 3
Tiger Moth Apantesis phalerata-nais-carlotta-vittata 3 3
Brown-lined Owlet Moth Macrochilo litophora 2 2
Dark Phalaenostola Moth Phalaenostola eumelusalis 2 2
American Idia Moth Idia americalis 2 2
Spotted Grass Moth Rivula propinqualis 2 2
Isabella Tiger Moth Pyrrharctia isabella 2 2
Pale Lichen Moth Crambidia pallida 2 2
The Penitent Catocala piatrix 2 2
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth Zanclognatha pedipilalis 1 1
Tephra Tussock Moth Dasychira tephra 1 1
Hickory Tussock Moth Lophocampa caryae 1 1
Deceptive Bomolocha Moth Hypena deceptalis 1 1
Smoky Idia Moth Idia scobialis 1 1
Virginian Tiger Moth Spilosoma virginica 1 1
None Zanclognatha protumnusalis 1 1
Definite Tussock Moth Orgyia definita 1 1
Mother Underwing Catocala parta 1 1
Delicate Cycnia Moth Cycnia tenera 1 1
Large Hypena Moth Hypena edictalis 1 1
Fall Webworm Moth Hyphantria cunea 1 1
Black-and-Yellow Lichen Moth Lycomorpha pholus 1 1
Common Oak Moth Phoberia atomaris 1 1
Virginia Ctenucha Moth Ctenucha virginica 1 1
Green Cloverworm Moth Hypena scabra 1 1
Ruby Tiger Moth Phragmatobia fuliginosa 1 1
Painted Lichen Moth Hypoprepia fucosa 1 1
Clover Looper Moth Caenurgina crassiuscula 1 1
Bent-winged Owlet Moth Bleptina caradrinalis 1 1
Forage Looper Moth Caenurgina erechtea 1 1
Common Fungus Moth Metalectra discalis 1 1
Reversed Hapola Moth Haploa reversa 1 1
Sociable Renia Moth Renia factiosalis 1 1
Colorful Zale Moth Zale minerea 1 1
Dark-banded Owlet Moth Phalaenophana pyramusalis 1 1
Discolored Renia Moth Renia discoloralis 1 1
Agreeable Tiger Moth Spilosoma congrua 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.