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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos 161 3,356
Little Yellow Pyrisitia lisa 119 2,807
Cabbage White Pieris rapae 173 2,146
Orange Sulphur Colias eurytheme 148 1,273
Monarch Danaus plexippus 153 912
Meadow Fritillary Boloria bellona 67 827
Viceroy Limenitis archippus 128 709
Fiery Skipper Hylephila phyleus 35 672
Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice 145 570
Eastern-tailed Blue Cupido comyntas 132 551
Dainty Sulphur Nathalis iole 21 450
Common Buckeye Junonia coenia 99 408
Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae 65 301
Bronze Copper Tharsalea hyllus 79 224
Great Spangled Fritillary Argynnis cybele 32 204
Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor 59 200
Silver-spotted Skipper Epargyreus clarus 54 131
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 50 110
Summer Azure Celastrina neglecta 43 105
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui 18 95
Golden-headed Sootywing Pholisora catullus 40 87
Eastern Pondhawk Erythemis simplicicollis 32 79
Checkered White Pontia protodice 36 58
Halloween Pennant Celithemis eponina 11 54
Common Green Darner Anax junius 20 53
Little Wood Satyr Megisto cymela 8 49
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Pterourus glaucus 35 46
Eastern Forktail Ischnura verticalis 32 41
Question Mark Polygonia interrogationis 27 36
American Snout Libytheana carinenta 10 34
Spring Azure Celastrina ladon 8 34
Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa 21 33
Hackberry Emperor Asterocampa celtis 11 33
Regal Fritillary Argynnis idalia 12 33
Red-spotted Purple Limenitis arthemis 23 27
Black Swallowtail Papilio polyxenes 18 25
Silvery Checkerspot Chlosyne nycteis 12 24
Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis 15 24
Black Saddlebags Tramea lacerata 10 24
Eastern Amberwing Perithemis tenera 20 23
Variegated Fritillary Euptoieta claudia 22 23
Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella 19 22
Red Saddlebags Tramea onusta 4 19
Common Whitetail Plathemis lydia 17 17
Blue-fronted Dancer Argia apicalis 17 17
Plains Clubtail Gomphurus externus 7 16
Gray Hairstreak Strymon melinus 12 16
Scoliid Wasp Dielis plumipes 13 16
American Lady Vanessa virginiensis 10 15
Familiar Bluet Enallagma civile 14 14
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.