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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Promethea Moth Callosamia promethea 4 4
Polyphemus Moth Antheraea polyphemus 4 4
Double-lined Gray Cleora sublunaria 3 3
White-Lined Sphinx Moth Hyles lineata 3 3
Henry's Marsh Moth Acronicta insularis 3 3
Black-dotted Brown Moth Cissusa spadix 2 2
Celery Looper Moth Anagrapha falcifera 2 2
Small Purplish Gray Iridopsis humaria 2 2
The Transfigured Hydriomena Hydriomena transfigurata 2 2
Wooly Gray Lycia ypsilon 2 2
None Eupithecia matheri 2 2
Figure-Eight Sallow Psaphida resumens 2 2
Spiny Looper Phigalia titea 2 2
The Asteriod Cucullia asteroides 1 1
Luna Moth Actias luna 1 1
Large Tolype Moth Tolype velleda 1 1
Virginian Tiger Moth Spilosoma virginica 1 1
The Common Looper Moth Autographa precationis 1 1
None lepidoptera1genus undetermined 1 1
Small Phigalia Phigalia strigataria 1 1
Armyworm Moth Mythimna unipuncta 1 1
Clover Looper Moth Caenurgina crassiuscula 1 1
Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia Pseudeustrotia carneola 1 1
Salt Marsh Moth Estigmene acrea 1 1
Spring Cankerworm Moth Paleacrita vernata 1 1
Gray Quaker Orthosia alurina 1 1
Carolina Sphinx Moth Manduca sexta 1 1
Nondescript Dagger Moth Acronicta oblinita 1 1
Gaint Leopard Moth Hypercompe scribonia 1 1
Morning-glory Plume Moth Emmelina monodactyla 1 1
Confused Eusarca Eusarca confusaria 1 1
Distinct Quaker Achatia distincta 1 1
Pandorus Sphinx Moth Eumorpha pandorus 1 1
Spotted Phosphila Phosphila miselioides 1 1
Hickory Tussock Moth Lophocampa caryae 1 1
Clover Hayworm Moth Hypsopygia costalis 1 1
Chickweed Geometer Haematopis grataria 1 1
Vagabond Crambus Agriphila vulgivagellus 1 1
Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba 1 1
The Small Engrailed Ectropis crepuscularia 1 1
Ashen Pinion Lithophane antennata 1 1
Yellow-Collared Scape Moth Cisseps fulvicollis 1 1
Imperial Moth Eacles imperialis 1 1
Elegant Grass Veneer Moth Microcrambus elegans 1 1
Corn Earworm Moth Helicoverpa zea 1 1
The Penitent Catocala piatrix 1 1
Yellow Nutsedge Moth Diploschizia impigritella 1 1
Tiger Moth Apantesis phalerata-nais-carlotta-vittata 1 1
Unspotted Looper Moth Allagrapha aerea 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.